Friday, 14 June 2019

How Trauma Can Lead to Addiction

psychiatrist in Bhopal

There are a large number of individuals that have some sort of addiction issues, and the reasons behind their addiction can be several. Genetic factors are also responsible for addiction. However, the surroundings of a person and the major events in their lives can’t be ignored when it comes to substance abuse. Psychological trauma is one such event of life that can lead to addiction in a person, say a psychiatric in Bhopal.

According to a psychiatrist in Bhopal, a person’s mental health and behavior can be greatly affected by the stressful and emotional events. A traumatic experience can alter a person completely forever. They may begin to rely on alcohol and other addictive substances with the end goal to deal with their trauma.

The Impact of Trauma

Childhood trauma or trauma at any stage of life can have a powerful impact on a person negatively, both mentally and emotionally. A traumatic experience can be of various sorts, such as natural disaster, death of a dear one, serious injury or life-threatening illness, physical or emotional abuse, and that’s just the beginning. Trauma normally includes excessive stress, worry for their security or survival and experiencing something that shakes their system, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal.
Apart from harmful addiction, trauma can also give rise to many other mental illnesses, such as anxiety, sadness, anger, nightmares, panic attacks, escape of certain circumstances or people, and other issues that may eventually lead to PTSD, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal. The symptoms of trauma can last for a considerable number of years, sometimes it even lasts for the entire life.

Substance Abuse and Trauma

A psychiatrist in Bhopal says that it can be very hard to deal with the feelings following trauma for people. Such a traumatic experience can make a person agitated, nervous, afraid or incapable to handle regular cooperation. A large number of person finds consuming alcohol or drugs to be an effective way to ease their fear and briefly reduce any of their manifestations. Alcohol and other similar substances make a person feel more confident, insensitive, enable, happy or vigorous. In spite of the fact that such substance abuse can relieve their pain for a short period of time, it can have a negative impact on their health in the long run to a great extent, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Effective Treatmernt For OCD Near You

OCD treatment in Bhopal

According to doctors, offering OCD treatment in Bhopal, there exists a certain pattern of behavior among individuals who are suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Intrusive and uncontrollable thoughts keep striking their mind often that leads to anxiety in them. This forms a repetitive behavior in them can be in varied forms, such as washing, checking, and other reverent patterns.

The symptoms of OCD differs from individual to individual, and it completely relies on the type of thoughts and anxieties that they have been dealing with. There is a form of OCD, known as contamination OCD. An individual suffering from contamination OCD fears a lot of being affected by germs and other bacteria that they believe can make them sick. According to a doctor, offering OCD treatment in Bhopal, around 25% of the OCD cases are often contamination OCD. It is one of the most common form of OCD that impacts a large population of the nation.

A doctor, offering OCD treatment in Bhopal, have stated that an individual with contamination OCD, strongly believes that touching door handles, sharing drinks, etc. can make them contaminated with germs, which can ultimately make them sick. You may also find them washing hands more than required to get rid of imagined germs every single hour of a day. That said, you may also notice them wearing certain types of protective covers, such as gloves in order to maintain a distance from contamination.

Getting Help for Contamination OCD

In spite of the fact that OCD is a debilitating problem, it is not that hard to get rid out of the same. A doctor, engaged in offering OCD treatment in Bhopal says that going through a certain type of therapy regularly for a certain period of time can eliminate the condition of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Such type of therapy mainly involve exposing the patients with their fears in a controlled way. The idea of exposing the patients with their fears over and over again eliminates their anxiety to a large extent. This therapy will assist patients in learning how to counterbalance or stop the fear so that they can control the illness without meshing in their typical repetitive patterns.

Monday, 10 June 2019

Here’s How to Make Your Relationship Stronger

psychiatrist in Bhopal

A large portion of the population are inclined to make their relationship more complex. Expecting certain changes in your partner is one of the greatest mistakes that creates difference in a relationship. You can’t control anyone, and this is something that you need to learn to have a strong and long lasting relationship, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal. Rather than trying to change your partner, focus on doing something that can improve your relationship.

Being the best psychiatrist in Bhopal, we have come up with this post to shed some light on a couple of things that you need to learn and incorporate in your life with the end goal to make your relationship stronger. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

1 – Speak to your partner the way you want to be spoken to

Yeah, it is very easy to do, but, know that, it can be a very effective way to enhance your relationship. In the event that you hate your partner for shouting on your, you should also not raise your voice, both during speaking and arguing over any and everything.

2 – Keep your relationship fun and adventurous

Fun and adventure may mean different for different couples. However, it is vital for the success of your relationship. Go in the flashback and visualize things when you both were dating each other. It will help you bring back those fun and adventures in your relationship again, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal. Be it a hiking, long drive on weekends or anything else, make sure to start doing those activities again with your partner.

3 – Prioritize quality time in your relationship

Time is one such factors that can make your relationship stronger than ever before, says a psychologist in Bhopal. You are ought to keep certain amount of time aside from your schedule, no matter how busy you are, for your partner. Do not spend your time with your partner doing the same things over again and again. Try out different activities, go for a picnic on a weekend, and go to a park on another and so on.