In the event that you are going through any sort of mental issues, one of basic step to feel better is to speak about the same with someone you know. Nevertheless, for a great degree of individuals, it is not so easy to talk about, even to figure out whom to talk and how to start the conversation.
In spite of the fact that you may find sharing your mental issues with someone hard, it is really imperative in order to get the help that you need to overcome your issue, says a mental health counselor in Bhopal.
We spoke with one of the best mental health counselor in Bhopal; here is what he suggests about opening up about your mental health with someone in an effective way. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:
There is no hard and fast rule to speak about your mental health issues; however, having a plan can make the task less overwhelming. Keeping the below mentioned things in mind can be of great help in initiating the conversation:
1 – Pen down Your Feelings
Penning down your thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper can be of great help in initiating conversation about your mental health with someone you know. It will enable you to have a clear conversation, say a psychological counselor in Bhopal.
2 – Give a heads-up
Once you have noted down your feelings and thoughts, it is time for you to select a person with whom you would like to share your mental health issues. Thereafter, inform them that you need to talk to them regarding something very important and request them to set some time aside.
Here is a small list of few individual whom you can talk to regarding your mental health issues:
1 – Your school counselor or the school nurse
2 – Your pediatrician or doctor
3 – A community or religious leader
4 – A friend or any family members or another adult you feel close to
5 – Your therapist or another mental health counselor in Bhopal.
Know that, holding back about your mental health will provide you with no help. You must speak about it to get help and overcome your issue.