Tuesday, 5 September 2023

OCD at Work: Strategies for Managing Symptoms


If you suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), managing your symptoms at work can be a challenge. OCD is an anxiety disorder that causes persistent intrusive thoughts and rituals, such as excessive hand washing or counting items. While it’s important to manage these symptoms in order to keep yourself healthy, doing so while on the job can be difficult. To help those with OCD at work, here are some strategies for managing your symptoms:

1) Create a plan – Before heading into the office each day, create a plan of how you will handle any potential triggers that could arise during the day. This includes deciding ahead of time if there are certain tasks or situations where it would be best for you to avoid engaging in compulsive behaviors like checking emails repeatedly or avoiding contact with colleagues who may trigger anxious feelings within you. Having this plan laid out beforehand makes it easier when unexpected triggers arise throughout the day and helps prevent further disruption in productivity due to obsessive-compulsive behavior patterns emerging unexpectedly during working hours.

Also Read: OCD Treatment in Bhopal

2) Talk about it – Talking openly about having OCD with coworkers and supervisors lets them know what they should expect from interactions involving you as well as how they can better support individuals suffering from mental health issues like obsessive-compulsiveness without judgment or bias against their condition(s). It also allows them insight into why certain habits have developed that may otherwise appear strange but are actually part of coping mechanisms used by people living with this disorder - allowing space for understanding rather than confusion around actions taken relatedly. 

3) Take breaks - Taking regular breaks throughout the day gives an opportunity away from potential stressors associated with one's environment which could potentially lead to increased levels of anxiety; use these moments wisely by taking deep breaths, stretching, meditating (or other forms relaxation methods ) until feeling more relaxed before returning back onto task again. Additionally, consider seeking professional help if needed via talking therapy sessions provided by psychiatrists located near Bhopal city centre; often times speaking openly about experiences relatedly enables greater understanding & control over emotions/behaviors experienced daily!

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