Friday, 24 May 2019

5 Tips to Help You Deal with Exam Stress


A certain level of stress is not bad as it can act as our motivational source to keep us going and get things done. Be that as it may, there are many individuals, especially students who experiences trouble in dealing with stress when it comes to their exam. This is why we have come up with this post that includes a couple of tips that can help students deal with stress strategically. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

1 – Do Not Forget To Breathe

Manage some time out of your schedule to practice mindfulness techniques, such as breathing exercises. Implementing such exercises in your daily routine will reduce the level of stress and help your body calm down greatly. Such exercises will also train your mind to be at the present moment, says a doctor, offering stress treatment in Bhopal.

2 – Eat, Sleep and Exercise Well

Late nigh sleep, having poor diet, and no exercise can enhance the level of stress in your body. Your body needs at least 7 or 8 hours of proper sleep every night in order to perform better. Take sufficient amount of water daily and try to maintain a distance from caffeine. And, at last, but not the least, make a habit of exercising daily for half an hour, suggests a doctor, offering stress treatment in Bhopal.

3 – Believe in Yourself

Whenever life puts you in a new challenge, do not forget to look back at how far you have come and what you have achieved despite of all the challenges. In the event that you have prepared yourself well for an exam, it makes no sense to worry about the same. A doctor, offering stress treatment in Bhopal suggests replacing your negative though with a positive one whenever you get the same.

Incorporate the above-mentioned stress busting tips in your life and practice them regularly. These tips should make you feel less stressed. If you think that the level of your stress has reached its peak and has started impacting your life in a negative way, you must opt for stress treatment in Bhopal.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Compulsions in OCD Explained


One of the significant symptoms of OCD is a compulsion. At certain point of time or another, a large portion of the population must have checked a door more than once to make sure that it is adequately locked, touched wood to maintain a distance from any unfavorable situation, or might have adjusted a picture a couple of times in order to make sure that it is adequately hanged. A high degree of such population can live their life entirely, but for some, such habits have become their compulsion that they must have to perform to take a breath of a sigh. This is known as obsessive compulsion disorder says doctor offering OCD treatment in Bhopal.

Specific actions that you perform over and over again is known as a compulsion. For instance, in the event that you are concerned with contamination, you may get an urge to wash your hands multiple times. Some other most common sort of compulsions includes, but not limited to cleaning, counting, checking, polling or re-confirming, repeating certain words or word sequences and guaranteeing order and symmetry, says doctor offering OCD treatment in Bhopal. The purpose of compulsions is to get rid of your anxiety or try to maintain a distance from conditions that scare you, for example, the death of a dear one.

In the event that you are suffering from OCD, you generally have an idea that the compulsion does not have much do with the fact, but you feel an urgent need to fulfill the compulsion at any cost. The impact of compulsions, in some cases, can be so severe that it can arise difficulties in working or maintaining personal relationships, says doctor offering OCD treatment in Bhopal.

Doctors, offering OCD treatment in Bhopal say that OCD can be treated effectively with the help of certain medications and psychotherapy. The drug that is mostly used to treat OCD patients is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that incorporates Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), and Paxil (paroxetine). With psychotherapy, the intensity of compulsive behavior can be significantly reduced. The psychotherapy focusses on altering the thoughts and behavior pattern of the patients.

Monday, 13 May 2019

5 Tips to Keep You Mentally Strong


Taking care of your mental health is of utmost importance. Our thinking, feelings and much more things depend on our mental health. So, it is not a thing that you should ignore at any stage of your life. If there is a family history of mental health issues, you need to be additionally careful. Certain things can help you keep your mental health stronger. This post revolves around the same. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at some of the many tips.

1 – Value yourself

Psychiatrist in Bhopal advises to respect yourself, treat yourself kindly and maintain a distance from self-criticism. For your favorite sport or hobbies, spare out some time from your busy schedule. Try to solve a puzzle or crossroads daily, take up dance classes, and learn new languages and musical instruments.

2 – Take care of your body

According to a psychiatrist in Bhopal taking care of the physical body can enhance your mental health. Make sure to have healthy diets, drink at least 2 liters of water a day, take enough sleep, and maintain a distance from alcohol, cigarette, and other similar products.

3 – Surround yourself with good people

It has been noticed that individuals who have a strong family background or secure social connections are way healthier than those who lack the same, says a psychologist in Bhopal. Have a healthy relationship with influential people; look for opportunities to meet new people.

4 – Give yourself

Make a habit of helping someone in need. This will give you a sense of happiness. It is also one of the best ways to establish a social connection.

5 – Learn how to deal with stress

No matter whether you appreciate it or not, but you are certainly going to experience specific stress at some point of your life, says a psychologist in Bhopal. Hence, it would be a good idea to learn skills to deal with stress. Listen to your favorite songs, play with your pet animals or kids, take a walk every day, and do exercise and so on to get relief from stress.